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Displaying 21 - 40 of 223
Breed ID Breed Group ID Variety ID Note Active Updated By Time Stamp
25 Clumber Spaniel 1
26 Cocker Spaniel Black 1
27 Cocker Spaniel ASCOB 1
28 Cocker Spaniel Parti 1
29 English Cocker Spaniel 1
30 English Springer Spaniel 1
31 Field Spaniel 1
32 Irish Water Spaniel 1
33 Sussex Spaniel 1
34 Welsh Springer Spaniel 1
35 Spinone Italiano 1
36 Vizsla 1
37 Weimaraner 1
38 Wirehaired Pointing Griffon 1
39 Wirehaired Vizsla 1
42 Afghan Hound 2
43 American English Coonhound 2
44 American Foxhound 2
45 Azawakh 2
46 Basenji 2
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