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Displaying 61 - 80 of 223
Breed ID Breed Group ID Variety ID Note Active Updated By Time Stamp
67 Pharaoh Hound 2
68 Plott Hound 2
69 Portuguese Podengo Pequeno 2
70 Redbone Coonhound 2
71 Rhodesian Ridgeback 2
72 Saluki 2
73 Scottish Deerhound 2
74 Sloughi 2
75 Treeing Walker Coonhound 2
76 Whippet 2
79 Akita 3
80 Alaskan Malamute 3
81 Anatolian Shepherd Dog 3
82 Bernese Mountain Dog 3
83 Black Russian Terrier 3
84 Boerboel 3
85 Boxer 3
86 Bullmastiff 3
87 Cane Corso 3
88 Chinook 3
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