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Displaying 201 - 220 of 223
Breed ID Breed Group ID Variety ID Note Active Updated By Time Stamp
219 Lancashire Heeler 7
220 Miniature American Shepherd 7
221 Mudi 7
222 Norwegian Buhund 7
223 Old English Sheepdog 7
224 Pembroke Welsh Corgi 7
225 Polish Lowland Sheepdog 7
226 Puli 7
227 Pumi 7
228 Pyrenean Shepherd 7
229 Shetland Sheepdog 7
230 Spanish Water Dog 7
231 Swedish Vallhund 7
233 Danish-Swedish Farmdog 8
234 Dutch Shepherd 8
235 Japanese Akitainu 8
236 Kai Ken 8
237 Norrbottenspets 8
238 Peruvian Inca Orchid 8
239 Portuguese Podengo 8
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