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Displaying 81 - 100 of 223
Breed ID Breed Group ID Variety ID Note Active Updated By Time Stamp
89 Doberman Pinscher 3
90 Dogo Argentino 3
91 Dogue de Bordeaux 3
92 German Pinscher 3
93 Giant Schnauzer 3
94 Great Dane 3
95 Great Pyrenees 3
96 Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 3
97 Komondor 3
98 Kuvasz 3
99 Leonberger 3
100 Mastiff 3
101 Neapolitan Mastiff 3
102 Newfoundland 3
103 Portuguese Water Dog 3
104 Rottweiler 3
105 St. Bernard 3
106 Samoyed 3
107 Siberian Husky 3
108 Standard Schnauzer 3
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