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Displaying 61 - 80 of 93
Class ID Class Note Active Updated By Time Stamp
61 HI Course B Sheep
62 HS Course A Duck A
63 Tested Sheep B
64 Novice Junior Boy
65 Novice Senior Girl
66 Novice A
67 Open Senior Boy
68 12-18 month Bitch Class
69 Amateur Walking Derby
70 Open Gun Dog
71 HI Course B Duck
72 HS Course B Sheep B
73 Puppy (6-9 month) Dog Class
74 Amateur All-Age
75 Open B
76 Bred-By-Exhibitor Dog Class
77 Puppy (9-12 month) Dog Class
78 Open Puppy
79 HS Course C Ducks
80 Novice Senior
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